One very outdoorsy family loves nothing more than hiking, camping, and riding bikes. But when their first child was born, they found themselves struggling to balance their passion for outdoor adventures with the newness of parenthood. The nitty-gritty worries of caring for a child often left them feeling overwhelmed and anxious, and they even began to entertain thoughts of wondering if they were fit to be parents. One day. they took their little one and went into nature. Their family breathed in the fresh air and warm sunshine, their child's eyes widened with excitement as he took in al the sights and sounds of nature, and from then on, they opened up a whole new set of possibilities for bonding with their little one through outdoor activities. When baby number two was born, the family began to face a whole new set of challenges. They realized that their outdoor gear was no longer adequate for outdoor adventures with the little ones; some of it was too bulky and not flexible enough, some of it wasn't suitable for navigating rough terrain, and some of it was uncomfortable for the babies. So they took matters into their own hands and designed some really great outdoor gear for kids. They poured all their energy and love into every detail, among which the Xped Babe Outdoor Stroller was born. We believe parenthood is a crazy ride, it's wonderfully climactic, yet it can also leave you with setbacks from time to time. But as you embrace nature with your child, you'll discover a world of endless possibilities for yourself and a world worth exploring. Get ready for the adventure of a lifetime!