Jasmine tea is the oldest known scented tea, and Numi’s begins its life in the gardens of Hunan Province, China. The rich soil and fluctuations in daily temperature in this region yield a fragrant leaf, over which organic jasmine flowers are laid until their scent is absorbed by the tea. Scented three times, this smooth green tea has layers of subtle fragrance and hints of moonlight. Numi’s Jasmine Green tea is sourced from the first Fair Trade gardens in China, where workers’ wages have increased 30-40% and premiums recently funded a school dormitory for children. About Numi: Numi is a labor of love by a brother and sister. She is the artist and he is the alchemist behind all of Numi’s blends. Their exceptional-tasting teas are captured in unique blends that use the highest quality organic, non-GMO ingredients sourced directly from fair labor gardens. Numi combines premium full-leaf quality teas and herbs with only 100% real fruits, flowers and spices. About Numi: Numi is a labor of love by a brother and sister. She is the artist and he is the alchemist behind all of Numi’s blends. Their exceptional-tasting teas are captured in unique blends that use the highest quality organic, non-GMO ingredients sourced directly from Fair Trade Certified gardens. Numi combines premium full-leaf quality teas and herbs with only 100% real fruits, flowers and spices. “Through authenticity, creativity, and commitment to people and planet, Numi brings you the purest, best tasting organic tea”
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This product is labelled to United States standards and may differ from similar products sold elsewhere in its ingredients, labeling and allergen warnings
Fair Trade Certified Organic Green Tea, Organic Jasmine Flowers
Bring fresh water to a boil. Allow to cool slightly then pour over a bag of Monkey King and steep 2-4 minutes to capture the full taste. Over steeping brings out bitterness from tannin, a natural part of tea.
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